Sunday, July 27, 2008

Internet Merchant Accounts Facts You Should Know

Writen by Christopher Luck

Why is it important to your online business that you use an internet merchant account? I am told that if I do business online, then I must have an internet merchant account. The truth is that they are right. If my customers can't pay for my services or merchandise with their credit cards or their own merchant accounts, then I am unlikely to be successful. Online business and shopping are prevalent, but only if credit cards can be used to make purchases.

So what exactly is an internet merchant account? It is generally a service set up by an online merchant account provider so that an online business can accept credit cards and e-checks as payment. The provider will then authorize e-checks and credit cards for payments in exchange for either a flat per transaction rate or a small percentage of the money involved in the transaction.

As a rule, banks do not offer merchant accounts for use online to their customers. This is where the recent influx in internet merchant account providers comes from. There are a number of services available online that offer these services specifically to online business owners and individuals in need of internet merchant accounts for various reasons. When a business is online, obviously there is no human contact between that merchant and customers. Without human contact, cash cannot change hands. Because of that, an internet merchant account is absolutely necessary for your online business. First, though, you must choose one.

As valuable as they are, you should make sure you have a good relationship with your internet merchant account provider, since they will be handling so much of your money. A good internet merchant account provider will offer you speedy credit card sales processing as well as other services that will aid your business. You also want to make sure there is some flexibility in that the provider works with all credit card brands and possibly even other payment methods. You also will want your internet merchant account provider to handle customer service issues quickly. Remember, this is your business and your money, you have every right to demand top notch service.

The last thing you should take into account when choosing an internet merchant account: costs. There are costs associated with them, as was mentioned earlier. However, you need to take the time to find out all costs and cost combos the provider has. Some charge the percentage, others charge flat rate, and still others charge a small flat rate plus a small percentage. Only you will know how much is too much, so think about your business and the volume you will do versus the costs to help make your final decision.

If you are opening an online business, you certainly aren't going to be able to take cash payments for your products or services. Therefore, you will need to be able to take credit cards, e-checks, and perhaps other forms of payment. To make that happen, associate yourself with an internet merchant account provider. Screen carefully, though, because you are talking about a service that will handle most of your company's revenue.

If you would like to view more of my personal articles on online merchants, please visit my computing site.