Friday, June 27, 2008

5 Reasons Why Your Club Or Group Needs A Website

Writen by Martin Coleman

If you are a member of or in charge of a club or user group and you don't have a website, you are missing out on many benefits!

First, if you have and hand out information pamphlets and brochures, you obviously need people to hand them out. If your material is on the web, you have a permanent delivery method that is handing out your info 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Second, The information contained within your brochure is bound to change from time to time. That would mean having to scrap all your inventory and re-print everything whenever something changes. With a website, you can have shorter print runs and your web version is very easily updated whenever it needs to be.

Third, You can add extras to it. You don't have to have just a static page, but you can if you want to. But you could also add feedback and survey forms, add community forums, picture galleries and share other files and updates between members.

Fourth, It is a reliable contact point. Including a form and/or publicity officer's email address means that whenever someone is interested in contacting your group (for example, if you are in a computer user group and some member of the public is interested in donating some hardware or software), the information is always available, always current and always convenient.

Fifth, It shows you're up to date. Many may not want to show off technologically, but it's fun to have it there anyway. It's fun to show off and you can demonstrate your excellent design and organisational skills using it.

So whether you're a non-profit, social or church group, you can always benefit somehow with a website. They don't have to be expensive and they can be put up much quickly than you might think.

Martin is the author of "How To Get Your Website Up for Free". He is available for writing assignments of any size and can be contacted via his website at